Massage Cupping’s uniquely shaped, soft cups use negative pressure and suction to draw up soft tissue rather than pressing down on it as in a typical massage treatment. The therapist uses oil to move the cups along the body. The shape and softness of the cups allow the therapist to treat bony areas, like the spine, knees, sacrum, shoulders, and elbows. The negative pressure helps soften contracted, congested muscles, and effectively releases tight fascia, adhesions, trigger points, and scar tissue. The therapist can easily adjust the amount of suction used, so can perform deep tissue massage more comfortably for the client. If the suction feels too strong and causes discomfort or pain the client should tell the therapist. Flo Capone offers Massage Cupping.
Massage Services
Oncology Massage
Oncology Massage uses standard massage techniques, but modifies pressure, pace, and supportive, soft pillow positioning for the individual’s comfort. These modifications consider surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and their long and short-term side effects, medical devices, a compromised lymph system, or blood cell counts, to support each person’s physical and emotional needs in a safe, nurturing, and compassionate environment. Flo Capone has advanced training in Oncology Massage.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage, sometimes called MLD or Manual Lymph Drainage is a gentle, non-invasive manual therapy, but it is not considered massage. Light, rhythmic, specific skin-stretching techniques improve lymph flow and can redirect accumulated lymph fluid, caused by ineffective or injured lymph vessels, out of congested tissues, through the lymph vessels, and back into the venous circulation. No lotion or oil is used in order to achieve the best therapeutic results using these special techniques. It is very effective in reducing the protein-rich swelling of Lymphedema. MLD is also used to decrease swelling from surgery (i.e.) cosmetic, orthopedic), trauma, soft-tissue injuries, and physical inactivity. The rhythmic and gentle manipulation is very soothing to the nervous system, which encourages a relaxation response during the session. Flo Capone is certified in Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Complete Decongestive Therapy.
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life and a wonderful time to nurture the nurturer. As her body changes and hormones shift, massage can be very beneficial for a woman with normal, low-risk pregnancy. Massage can help her to relax, relieve stress, and alleviate the pain and discomfort that she experiences during the different stages of pregnancy. She will be comfortably positioned on the massage table in a side-lying or semi-reclining position with her body supported by soft pillows. Any woman with a high-risk pregnancy should consult her doctor or midwife before booking an appointment. As with any massage, inform your therapist immediately if you have any discomfort during pregnancy massage. Flo Capone offers Pregnancy Massage.
Thai Foot Massage
Thai foot massage is a holistic treatment which blends elements of Japanese Shiatsu, Ayurvedic medicine, Chinese reflexology, and massage to open the Sen (energy) lines by treating the lower legs, knees, and feet in a particular sequence. The treatment customarily begins on the left foot after the right foot is snugly covered. The treatment combines stretching, acupressure, and massage techniques, using thumbs, fingers, knuckles, palms of the hands, and a special small wooden tool called a Thai stick, that stimulates reflex points to encourage the body and mind to return to a healthy, balanced state. The session is profoundly relaxing while leaving you energized. Other benefits include improved circulation and lymphatic drainage in the feet and legs, stress relief, reduced stiffness, greater flexibility, and improved sleep. The client remains fully clothed, preferably wearing loose-fitting pants or shorts, as the treatment reaches just above the knees. Flo Capone offers Thai Foot Massage.
Reflexology is a safe, non-invasive, complementary, holistic manual therapy that encourages the body to heal naturally and maintain optimum health by enabling the nervous system to relax. The therapist uses specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques to apply pressure to particular points on the hands or feet, reflexively affecting the corresponding gland, organ, or body part. This wonderfully relaxing session, done without oils, lotions, or creams, reduces stress, anxiety, and pain, improves blood and lymph circulation, and promotes normal organ and glandular function. The client can remain clothed, if desired, without affecting the therapeutic benefits of the treatment. Typically, a treatment lasts one-half hour or one hour. The client may choose to combine reflexology with massage therapy and have a half-hour or hour of reflexology before or after the massage session. Flo Capone is a Certified Reflexologist.
Sports Therapy
The field of massage owes much of its current popularity and recognition as a health care option to the sports world. Massage and bodywork is an effective tool for the enhancement of performance, as well as the prevention and treatment of injuries.
Our sports therapists have received training in the evaluation and treatment of soft-tissue injuries, which can be the results of sport activity or from work or daily activities. No matter what the cause, injury principles are basically the same. Training is also received in range of motion enhancement and proper use of the body in activities. This helps aide in the prevention and treatment of any injury. Our sports therapists integrate massage modalities with movement, stretching, and education in proper mechanical use of the body to achieve the best results for their clients. All of our therapists are trained in Sports Therapy. Frank Merillat and Mae Leone hold advanced certifications in Sports Therapy.
Deep Connective Tissue Therapy
This slow, deep approach addresses the body’s connective tissue, also known as fascia. Fascia is the structural tissue that runs throughout the body separating muscle from muscle, connecting muscle to bone and connecting bone to bone. Both the circulatory and nervous systems lie within the connective tissue, therefore this approach has widespread effects on health and wellness. Constriction in the connective tissue is responsible for many problems expressed in the physical body. Fibromyalgia, for example, is an inflammatory condition of the connective tissue that can be very painful and debilitating. Our therapists are trained in very slow, sensitive myofascial technique which can be quite effective in treatment of fibromyalgia, as well as tendonitis and many other injuries. All of our therapists provide Deep Connective Tissue Therapy.
Neuromuscular Therapy
Neuromuscular therapy focuses on the interaction between the nervous system and the muscles. Often the body develops patterns in response to injury or simply repeated activities. This form of therapy uses pressure, movement and positions as ways to re-educate the nervous system. Working very specifically the therapist addresses areas involved. The therapist works closely with the client to get specific feed-back and to work within the comfort level of the client. This type of work is often very effective with those suffering from injury. All of our therapists provide Neuromuscular Therapy. Frank Merillat teaches Neuromuscular Therapy at The Florida School of Massage.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy is a holistic approach to healing in that it recognizes and works with the deep connections between mind, body and spirit. Craniosacral Therapy is an extremely gentle technique that allows the practitioner to feel the subtle movements of the craniosacral rhythm. The craniosacral rhythm is the ebb and flow of the cerebrospinal fluid in the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Although the practitioner may be able to feel this rhythm more easily in the cranial bones and the sacrum, the craniosacral rhythm flows out into all parts of the body.
The intention of Craniosacral Therapy is to support the body’s ability to self-heal and self-regulate thereby allowing the body to release physical, mental or emotional tension patterns from within. It allows your body to come back into its natural balance.
There are many benefits of Craniosacral Therapy, including improved nervous system function, increased circulation, musculoskeletal improvement as well as emotional healing. There can be a strong calming effect on the nervous system, allowing for the relief of many stress-related conditions, such as anxiety, insomnia or depression. Increased circulation has full body effects, including a boost in energy levels, less pain and enhancement of immune function. The release of tension, chronic or acute, aids in healing musculoskeletal pain and injury. Because emotions can be strongly tied to physical tension in the body, when tension is released, profound emotional healing can take place.
In a treatment session, you will lie fully clothed on a massage table. The practitioner uses less than a nickel’s weight in pressure and will start by placing their hands on your body and listening to the craniosacral rhythm. According to your needs that particular day, the practitioner will move to other parts of your body, such as your ribs, shoulders, feet, sacrum, spine, cranial bones or neck. Sensations will vary. You may feel warmth or a sensation of pulsing, tightening or relaxing. You may notice a feeling that your body is sinking or floating. You may experience a dream-like state. For many, these treatments are profoundly relaxing.
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